5th Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum

Between the 26th and 29th of October the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat will be hosting it annual forum. The programme of the online event is focusing on the linkages between the EU institutions and the local actions on the islands.

Representatives from the institutions will present their particular role in creating the enabling framework for the decarbonisation of EU Islands. Furthermore, local actions will be presented and discussed online with inspirations starting from the host islands and gradually broadened to all parts of the EU island community.

The Forum will further include local transition days, where islanders and transition team members are invited to meet in their communities, and feed back their latest developments and experiences to the wider EU islands community.

The last day will be focusing on exchanging ideas and impressions from the previous days in an interactive format online with links to the site-visit videos.

For more information an the agenda and to register please visit the Clean Energy for EU Islands website



5th Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum | NESOI


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