The NESOI - European Islands Facilty, the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat, the Overseas Countries and Territories Association (OCTA), and FEDARENE will co-host an online session within the frame of the European Sustainable Energy Week 2020 on the potential of Islands as champions of green recovery strategy on the 17th of June.
As Europe begins its path towards recovery after the global pandemic, the need to ensure this recovery creates a safe and prosperous future for its economy and its citizens has been raised from many directions. Indeed, the threat posed to our economies and our societies from climate change and environmental destruction has become no less urgent – quite the opposite. We have received a taste of what a severe global crisis can look and feel like, now it is up to politicians, businesses and citizens to move our society into a direction that safeguards our livelihoods.
Islands across the EU have long been front runners in building resilient and sustainable communities. Their specific geographical situation naturally creates a need for a strong and cohesive community, and for islands, the benefits of the clean energy transition go well beyond tackling climate change and energy security. Local economic development, job creation, improved health and more balanced local economies are key for better future perspectives of communities on islands and the mainland.
The EU island community – both near the continent as well as Overseas Countries and Territories and Outermost Regions – can hence provide excellent examples of how implement a resilient recovery strategy that strengthens local economies and communities, and share invaluable insights for EU, national, regional and local policy-makers, technology providers, citizen organizations and research institutions.
Taking place on Wednesday 17 June at 09.30 - 11.00, the session "CLEAN ENERGY ISLANDS AS CHAMPIONS OF THE GREEN RECOVERY?" will use concrete examples from EU islands to discuss resilient recovery strategies, and provide an opportunity to exchange approaches and ideas around how to ensure a prosperous Europe now and in the future.
To register to the webinar please visit the EUSEW website at
Interactive elements within the session will include participant polls and an interactive Q&A with representatives from different sectors of activity, bringing together all governance levels from the islands to the European Commission.