Welcome to the NESOI European Islands Facility website

The NESOI Facility aims to facilitate the clean energy transition on EU islands and go one step forward by providing islands with training, technical support, cooperation opportunities and robust funding opportunities to concretely convert Island Sustainable Energy Action Plans into Renewable Energy Sources (RES) plants, building and energy infrastructure retrofitting, energy bill reduction, local job creation and more.

The NESOI Platform will be the most visible and important tool of the facility as it helps local operators to develop their own projects. The aim is to stimulate collaboration, innovation and to provide visibility to investment opportunities, share best practices and information, offering tools and describing the process to local stakeholders in order to enable them to enhance their energy transition ideas.

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Step-WISE - The new LIFE project to ease energy transition planning for local authorities

LIFE Step-WISE is the new EU co-funded project in which Sinloc is a partner.

Started in December 2023 and lasting until May 2026, Step-WISE is a dynamic capacity building programme that recognises the central role played by local authorities in reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions through the development of local Clean Energy Transition (CET) plans.

Step-WISE therefore aims to increase the skills and capacities of local authorities to initiate an effective energy transition through the development of clean energy plans.

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New Energy Solutions Optimized for Islands 

~ The NESOI were also goddesses of Islands in Greek Mythology ~

NESOI Project Consortium

NESOI | New Energy Solutions Optimized for Islands


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